Minggu, 08 Juli 2018

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Simulation and Testing
src: www.atzlive.de

Simulation is a clone of a process operation or a real-world system. The act of simulating something first requires that the model be developed; this model represents the main characteristics, behavior and function of the selected system or physical or abstract process. The model represents the system itself, while the simulation represents the operation of the system over time.

Simulations are used in many contexts, such as technology simulations for performance optimization, security techniques, testing, training, education, and video games. Often, computer experiments are used to study simulation models. Simulations are also used with scientific modeling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functions, as in economics. Simulations can be used to show the real effects of alternative conditions and actions. Simulations are also used when actual systems can not be involved, as they may be inaccessible, or may be harmful or unacceptable to engage, or are being designed but not yet built, or may not exist.

Key issues in the simulation include obtaining valid source information on the selection of key characteristics and key behaviors, the use of simplified estimates and assumptions in the simulation, and the validity and validity of the simulation results. Procedures and protocols for model verification and validation are ongoing fields of academic study, refinement, research and development in simulation or practice technologies, particularly in the field of computer simulations.

Video Simulation

Classification and terminology

Historically, the simulations used in various fields were developed independently, but the 20th century study of system theory and cybernetics combined with the deployment of computer use in all these fields has led to some more systematic unification and views on the concept.

Physical simulation refers to a simulation in which the physical object is replaced for the real thing (some circles use the term for computer modeling simulations of selected physics laws, but this article does not). These physical objects are often chosen because they are smaller or cheaper than the actual object or system.

Interactive simulation is a special type of physical simulation, often referred to as a simulated man in a circle , where physical simulations include human operators, such as in flight simulators or driving simulators.

Ongoing simulation is a simulation in which time progresses continuously based on numerical integration of Differential Equations.

Discrete Activity Simulation is a simulation in which time evolves along events that represent critical moments, while the value of the variable is irrelevant between the two or trivial results to be calculated in terms of need

Stochastic Simulation is a simulation in which some variables or processes are governed by stochastic factors and are estimated to be based on the Monte Carlo technique using pseudo-random numbers, so that replication of the same boundary conditions is expected to produce different results in a band special confidence

Deterministic Simulation is a simulation in which variables are governed by a deterministic algorithm, so replication running from the same boundary conditions produces always identical results.

Hybrid Simulation (sometimes Combined Simulation) corresponds to a mix between Continuous and Discrete Event Simulation and results in numerically integrating differential equations between two consecutive events to reduce the number of discontinuities

Stand Alone Simulation is a Simulation that runs on one workstation by itself.

Distributed Simulation operates on a distributed computer to ensure access to/from different resources (eg multi-users operating different systems, or distributed data sets); classic example is Interactive Distributed Simulation (DIS)

Parallel Simulation is run on some processors typically to distribute computational workloads as happens in High Performance Computing

Interoperable Simulations where some models, simulators (often defined as federations) perform interoperables locally in distributed over a network; the classic example is High Level Architecture.

Modeling & amp; Simulation as a Service where Simulation is accessed as a Service over the web.

Modeling, Simulation and Operating Serious Games where the Serious Game Approach (e.g., Game Engines and Involvement Methods) is integrated with Interoperable Simulations.

Fidelity simulation is used to describe the accuracy of a simulation and how closely it mimics a real-life spouse. Fidelity is widely classified as 1 of 3 categories: low, medium, and high. Specific descriptions of the level of fidelity should be interpretation but the following generalizations can be made:

  • Low - the minimum simulation required for a system to respond to receive input and give output
  • Medium - responds automatically to stimuli, with limited accuracy
  • Height - almost indistinguishable or as close as possible to the actual system

Humans in a loop simulation can incorporate computer simulations as so-called synthetic environments.

The simulation in failure analysis refers to the simulation in which we create the environment/condition to identify the cause of the equipment failure. This is the best and fastest method to identify the cause of failure.

Maps Simulation

Computer simulation

Computer simulation (or "sim") is an attempt to model real-life or hypothetical situations on a computer so it can be learned to see how the system works. By changing the variables in the simulation, predictions can be made about the behavior of the system. It is a tool to investigate the behavior of the system under study.

Computer simulation has become a useful part of modeling many natural systems in physics, chemistry and biology, and human systems in economics and social sciences (eg, computational sociology) as well as in engineering to gain insight into the operation of such systems. A good example of the uses of computers to simulate can be found in the field of network traffic simulations. In the simulation, the behavior of the model will change each simulation according to the set of initial parameters assumed for the environment.

Traditionally, formal modeling systems have gone through mathematical models, which attempt to find analytical solutions that allow prediction of system behavior from a set of parameters and initial conditions. Computer simulations are often used in addition to, or substitutions for, modeling systems for simple closed-loop analytical solutions unlikely. There are many types of computer simulations, a common feature that they all share is an attempt to generate representative sample scenarios for models where complete counting of all possible circumstances would be prohibitive or impossible.

Some software packages are available to run computer-based simulation modeling (eg Monte Carlo simulations, stochastic modeling, multimetode modeling) that makes all modeling almost easy.

The modern usage of the term "computer simulation" can include almost any computer-based representation.

Computer science

In computer science, the simulation has some special meaning: Alan Turing uses the term "simulation" to refer to what happens when a universal machine runs a status transition table (in modern terminology, the computer runs a program) that describes the transition status, input and output of a discrete machine -the country of the subject. The computer simulates the subject machine. Thus, in theoretical computer science the term simulation is the relationship between the state transition system, useful in operational semantic studies.

Less theoretical, the interesting application of computer simulation is to simulate a computer using a computer. In computer architecture, a kind of simulator, usually called emulator, is often used to run programs that must run on some kind of uncomfortable computer (for example, a newly designed computer that has not been built or an outdated computer that is no longer available), or in a tightly controlled testing environment (see computer architecture simulators and Platform virtualization ). For example, the simulator has been used to debug micro programs or sometimes commercial application programs, before the program is downloaded to the target machine. Because computer operations are simulated, all information about computer operations is immediately available to the programmer, and the speed and implementation of the simulation may vary as desired.

The simulator can also be used to interpret the error tree, or test the VLSI logic design before it is created. Symbolic simulations use variables to stand for unknown values.

In the field of optimization, physical process simulations are often used in conjunction with evolutionary calculations to optimize control strategies.

Is Reality Real? The Simulation Argument - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Simulations in education and training

Simulations are widely used for educational purposes. This is often used by means of adaptive hypermedia.

Simulations are often used in training of civilian and military personnel. This usually happens when it is very expensive or too dangerous to allow trainees to use real equipment in the real world. In such situations, they will spend the time to learn valuable lessons in a "safe" virtual environment but live a vivid experience (or at least that is the goal). Often the convenience is to allow mistakes during training for a security-critical system. However, there is a difference between the simulations used for training and Instructional simulation.

Simulation training usually comes in one of three categories:

  • "live" simulation (in which the actual player uses the original system in a real environment);
  • "virtual" simulation (in which the actual player uses a simulation system in a synthetic environment), or
  • "constructive" simulations (where simulation players use simulation systems in synthetic environments). Constructive simulation is often referred to as "wargaming" because it has some resemblance to a peak-table war game in which players command troops and equipment moving around the board.

In standardized tests, "live" simulations are sometimes called "high fidelity", resulting in "probability performance samples", as opposed to "low-fidelity", "pencil-and-paper" simulations yielding only "signs of possible performance" , but the difference between high, moderate and low fidelity remains relative, depending on the context of a particular comparison.

The simulation in education is somewhat like a training simulation. They focus on certain tasks. The term 'microworld' is used to refer to educational simulations that model some abstract concepts rather than simulate realistic objects or environments, or in some cases model real-world environments in a simple way that helps learners develop an understanding of key concepts. Typically, users can create a kind of construction within a microworld that will behave in a manner consistent with the concept being modeled. Seymour Papert is one of the first to advocate for the value of microworlds, and the Logo programming environment developed by Papert is one of the most famous microworld. For another example, the STEM Global Challenge Award learning website uses a microworld simulation to teach science concepts related to global warming and energy future. Other projects for simulation in education are Open Source Physics, NetSim etc.

Project Management Simulations are increasingly being used to train students and professionals in the art and science of project management. Using simulations for project management training increases the retention of learning and improves the learning process.

Social simulations can be used in social science classes to illustrate social and political processes in anthropology, economics, history, political science, or sociology, usually at the secondary or university level. This can, for example, take the form of a citizenship simulation, in which the participants take a role in a community simulation, or a simulation of international relations in which participants engage in negotiations, alliance formation, trade, diplomacy, and use of force. Such simulations may be based on a fictitious political system, or based on current events or history. An example of the latter will be a series of historical educational games of Barnard College that React to the Past . The National Science Foundation has also supported the creation of reacting games that address science and mathematics education. In social media simulations, participants train communications with critics and other stakeholders in a private setting. This is also called Social media stresstest.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of social simulations for staff training in aid and development agencies. The Carana simulation, for example, was first developed by the United Nations Development Program, and is now used in a highly revised form by the World Bank to train staff to deal with fragile and conflict-affected countries.

Military use for simulations often involves armored aircraft or armored vehicles, but can also target small arms and other weapons system training. In particular, the range of virtual firearms has become the norm in most military training processes and there is a large amount of data to suggest this is a useful tool for armed professionals.

FEA Services, CFD Services and CAE
src: www.creaform-engineering.com

Common user interaction system for virtual simulation

The virtual simulation represents a specific category of simulation that uses simulation tools to create a simulated world for users. Virtual simulation allows users to interact with the virtual world. The virtual world operates on software platforms and integrated hardware components. In this way, the system can receive user input (for example, body tracking, voice/voice recognition, physical control) and generate output to the user (eg, visual display, aural view, haptic display). Virtual Simulation uses the interaction mode mentioned earlier to generate a sense of immersion for the user.

Virtual input simulation tools

There is a wide variety of input hardware available to receive user input for virtual simulation. The following list briefly describes some of them:

Body tracking : Motion capture methods are often used to record user movement and translate retrieved data into inputs for virtual simulations. For example, if a user physically turns their heads, the motion will be captured by the hardware simulation in some way and translated to the corresponding shift in view in the simulation.

  • Capture suits and/or gloves can be used to capture the movement of the user's body parts. The system may have sensors incorporated in it to feel the movement of different parts of the body (eg, fingers). Alternatively, this system may have exterior or marking devices that can be detected by external ultrasounds, optical receivers or electromagnetic sensors. Internal inertia sensors are also available on some systems. The unit can transmit data either wirelessly or via cable.
  • Eye trackers can also be used to detect eye movements so the system can determine exactly where users see each instant given.

Physical control : The physical controller provides input to the simulation only through direct manipulation by the user. In virtual simulations, tactile feedback from physical controllers is highly desirable in a number of simulated environments.

  • Omnidirectional treadmills like Wizdish RoVR, Virtuix Omni & amp; Cyberith Virtualizer can be used to capture user movement as they walk or run.
  • High fidelity instruments such as instrument panels in the virtual aircraft cockpit provide users with actual controls to improve the immersion rate. For example, pilots can use actual global positioning control systems from real devices in the simulation cockpit to help them practice the procedure with the actual device in the context of an integrated cockpit system.

Voice/voice recognition : This interaction form can be used to interact with agents in simulations (eg, virtual people) or to manipulate objects in simulations (eg, information). Voice interaction seems to increase the level of immersion for the user.

  • Users can use headsets with a boom microphone, collar microphone, or room can be equipped with a strategically located microphone.

Recent research into user input system

Research in future input systems holds many promises for virtual simulations. Systems such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) offer the ability to further increase the immersion rate for virtual simulation users. Lee, Keinrath, Scherer, Bischof, Pfurtscheller prove that naïve subjects can be trained to use BCI to navigate virtual apartments with relative ease. Using BCI, I found that subjects can freely navigate virtual environments with relatively minimal effort. It is possible that this type of system will become the standard input modality in future virtual simulation systems.

The virtual simulation output device

There is a wide variety of output hardware available to send stimulus to users in virtual simulation. The following list briefly describes some of them:

Visual views : Visual views provide users with a visual stimulus.

  • The stationary view can vary from conventional desktop display to 360 degree wrapping around the screen to a three-dimensional stereo screen. The conventional desktop display can vary from 15 to 60 inches. Wrap around the screen is usually used in what is known as the auto cave virtual environment (CAVE). The three-dimensional stereo display produces three-dimensional images either with or without special glasses - depending on the design.
  • The head-mounted (HMD) display has a small display mounted on the user-worn headgear. The system connects directly into the virtual simulation to provide users with a more in-depth experience. Weight, rate of updates and field of view are some key variables that differentiate HMD. Naturally, the heavier HMD is undesirable because it causes fatigue over time. If the update level is too slow, the system can not update the view fast enough to adjust to the user's quick head speed. Slower update rates tend to cause drunken simulations and disrupt the taste of subs. The field of view or the degree of world angle seen in a particular viewing field may vary from system to system and have been found to influence the sense of user immersion.

Aural Views : There are several different types of audio systems to help users hear and localize sounds spatially. Special software can be used to generate 3D audio effects of 3D audio to create the illusion that the sound source is placed in the three-dimensional space defined around the user.

  • Conventional stationary speaker systems can be used to provide multiple or multi-channel surround sound. However, external speakers are not as effective as headphones in producing 3D audio effects.
  • Conventional headphones offer a portable alternative for stationary speakers. They also have the added advantage of masking real-world noise and facilitating more effective 3D sound audio effects.

Haptic view : This view gives users a sense of touch (haptic technology). This type of output is sometimes referred to as force feedback.

  • The tile view tiles use different types of actuators such as bladders, vibrators, low-frequency sub-woofers, pin actuators and/or thermo-actuators to generate sensations for users.
  • The final effector display can respond to user input with resistance and style. This system is often used in medical applications for remote operations that use robotic instruments.

Vestibular display : Showing this gives a sense of movement to the user (the motion simulator). They often manifest as a motion base for virtual vehicle simulations such as driving simulators or flight simulators. The motion base stays in place but uses the actuator to drive the simulator in a way that can generate pitching, yawing or rolling sensations. The simulator can also move in such a way that it produces a sense of acceleration on all axes (for example, the base motion can produce a falling sensation).

Simulation Academy - Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
src: higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com

Clinical health simulator

Medical simulators are increasingly being developed and used to teach therapeutic and diagnostic procedures as well as medical concepts and decision-making to personnel in the health profession. Simulators have been developed for training procedures ranging from basics such as blood taking, laparoscopic surgery and trauma care. They are also important to assist in making prototypes of new devices for biomedical engineering issues. Currently, the simulator is applied to research and develop tools for new therapies, treatments and early diagnosis in medicine.

Many medical simulators involve computers connected to the relevant anatomical plastic simulations. The sophisticated simulators of this type use life-size mannequins that respond to injected and programmable drugs to create life-threatening emergency simulations. In other simulations, visual component procedures are reproduced by computer graphics techniques, while touch-based components are reproduced by haptic feedback devices combined with physical simulation routines that are counted in response to user actions. Such medical simulations will often use 3D CT scans or MRI of patient data to improve realism. Some medical simulations are developed to be widely distributed (such as web-enabled simulations and procedural simulations that can be viewed via standard web browsers) and can interact using standard computer interfaces, such as keyboards and mice.

Another important medical application of the simulator - although, perhaps, shows a slightly different meaning than the simulator - is the use of a placebo drug, a formulation that simulates the active drug in drug efficacy trials (see Placebo (as from technical terms)).

Improve patient safety

Patient safety is a problem in the medical industry. Patients have been known to suffer injuries and even deaths due to mismanagement, and lack of using the best standard of care and training. According to Building a National Agenda for Simulation-Based Medical Education (Eder-Van Hook, Jackie, 2004), "the ability of health care providers to react with caution in unexpected situations is one of the most important factors in creating positive outcomes in the medical field. " emergency, regardless of whether it occurs on the battlefield, highway, or hospital emergency room. "Eder-Van Hook (2004) also notes that medical errors kill up to 98,000 with an estimated cost of between $ 37 and $ 50 million and $ 17 to $ 29 billion for dollar-preventable bad events per year.

Simulations are used to study patient safety, as well as training medical professionals. Studying patient safety and safety interventions in health care is a challenge, as there is a lack of experimental control (ie, patient complexity, system/process variation) to see if an intervention makes a significant difference (Groves & Manges, 2017). An example of an innovative simulation to study patient safety is from nursing research. Groves et al. (2016) uses a high-fidelity simulation to examine nursing-oriented safety behaviors over time such as change-shift reports.

However, the value of simulated interventions to translate into clinical practice is debatable. As Nishisaki pointed out, "there is good evidence that simulation training improves the provider and self efficacy and team competence in the manikins, and there is also good evidence that procedural simulations improve actual operational performance in clinical settings." However, there is a need to improve evidence to demonstrate that training crew resource management through simulation. One of the biggest challenges is to show that team simulation improves the operational performance of the bedside team. Although the evidence that simulated-based training actually improves patient outcomes is slow to increase, today's simulation capabilities to provide immediate experience that is translated into the operating room is no longer in doubt.

One of the biggest factors that may affect the ability to have training impact on the work of practitioners at the bedside is the ability to empower the front-line staff (Stewart, Manges, Ward, 2015). Another example of attempts to improve patient safety through the use of simulated training is the care of patients to provide timely or/or appropriate on-site service. The training consists of 20 minutes of simulation training just before the workers report to the shift. One study found that timely training increased the transition to the side of the bed. The conclusion as reported in Nishisaki (2008), is that simulation training increases the participation of the population in real cases; but not sacrificing quality of service. It can therefore be hypothesized that by increasing the number of highly trained populations through the use of simulated training, that simulated training in fact improves patient safety.

History of simulation in health care

The first medical simulator is a simple model of a human patient.

Since ancient times, the representation in clay and stone is used to denote the clinical features of the state of the disease and its effects on humans. Models have been found from many cultures and continents. These models have been used in some cultures (eg, Chinese culture) as "diagnostic" instruments, which allow women to consult male doctors while maintaining social laws of modesty. Models are used today to help students study the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and organ systems.

In 2002, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) was formed to become a leader in international interprofessional advancement of the application of medical simulations in health care.

The need for "uniform mechanisms for educating, evaluating, and certifying simulated instructors for the health care profession" is acknowledged by McGaghie et al. in their critical review of simulation-based medical education research. In 2012 SSH piloted two new certifications to provide recognition to educators in an effort to meet these needs.

Model type

Active model

An active model that seeks to reproduce anatomy or living physiology is a recent development. The famous "Harvey" Mannequins were developed at the University of Miami and were able to create many physical findings of cardiology, including palpation, auscultation, and electrocardiography.

Interactive model

Recently, interactive models have been developed that respond to actions taken by a student or doctor. To date, this simulation is a two-dimensional computer program that acts more like a textbook than a patient. Computer simulations have the advantage of enabling students to make judgments, as well as making mistakes. Repeated learning through judgment, evaluation, decision making, and error correction create a much more powerful learning environment than passive instruction.

Computer simulator

The simulator has been proposed as an ideal tool for student assessment for clinical skills. For patients, "cybertherapy" can be used for simulated sessions of traumatic experiences, from fear of heights to social anxiety.

Programmable patients and simulated clinical situations, including artificial rehab work, have been widely used for education and evaluation. The simulation of "living man" is expensive, and less reproductive. A fully functional "3Di" simulator will be the most specific tool available for teaching and measuring clinical skills. The game platform has been applied to create this virtual medical environment to create interactive methods for learning and applying information in a clinical context.

Simulation of the state of the immersive disease allows the doctor or HCP to experience what the disease is like. Using sensors and transducers symptomatic effects can be sent to participants enabling them to experience a state of patient illness.

Such simulators meet the objectives of objective and standardized checks for clinical competence. This system is superior to examinations that use "standard patients" because it allows quantitative measurement of competence, as well as reproducing the same objective findings.

Simulation - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Entertainment simulation

Simulations in entertainment include many major and popular industries such as movies, television, video games (including serious games) and amusement park rides. Although modern simulations are considered to have roots in training and the military, in the 20th century it also became a channel for more hedonistic companies.

History of visual simulations in movies and games

Early history (1940s and 1950s)

The first simulation game may have been created since 1947 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. This is a simple game that simulates missiles fired into targets. The missile curve and its speed can be adjusted using several buttons. In 1958, a computer game called " Tennis for Two " was created by Willy Higginbotham who simulates a game of tennis between two players who can play at once using hand control and displayed on the oscilloscope. This is one of the first electronic video games to use graphical display.

1970s and early 1980s

The computer-generated imagery was used in films to simulate objects in early 1972 in A Computer Animated Hand, a part that was featured on the big screen in the 1976 Futureworld movie. Many will remember the "targeting computer" that the young Skywalker died in the 1977 movie Star Wars .

The movie Tron (1982) was the first film to use computer-generated imagery for more than a few minutes.

Technological advances in the 1980s led to 3D simulations becoming more widely used and began to appear in films and in computer-based games such as Atari's Battlezone (1980) and Acornsoft Elite (1984) , one of the first 3D wire-frame graphics games for home computers.

Pre-virtual cinematography era (early 1980s to 1990s)

Technological advances in the 1980s made computers more affordable and more capable than in the previous decade, which facilitated the emergence of computers like Xbox games. The first video game console released in the 1970s and early 1980s fell victim to industrial accidents in 1983, but in 1985, Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) which became one of the best selling consoles in video game history. In the 1990s, computer games became very popular with the release of games like The Sims and Command & amp; Conquered and the power of desktop computers is on the rise. Today, computer simulation games like World of Warcraft are played by millions around the world.

In 1993, the film became the first popular film to use computer-generated graphics extensively, integrating simulated dinosaurs almost unimpeded into live action scenes.

This event changed the film industry; in 1995, the movie Toy Story was the first film to use only computer-generated images and by computer-generated graphics the new millennium was the primary choice for special effects in film.

Virtual Cinematography (early 2000-present)

The emergence of virtual cinematography in the early 2000s (decades) has led to an explosion of films that could not have been taken without it. The classic example is the digital display of Neo, Smith and other characters in the Matrix sequel and the extensive use of cameras that are physically impossible to walk in the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings (film series).

The terminals in Pan Am (TV series) no longer existed during the filming of the series that aired this year 2011-2012, which was not a problem as they created it in virtual cinematography by utilizing the automatic point of view found and suitable in relation to the incorporation of real recordings and simulations , which has been the bread and butter of movie artists in and around the film studios since the early 2000s.

The computer-generated image is "application of 3D computer graphics field for special effects". This technology is used for visual effects because of its high quality, can be controlled, and can create an improper effect using other technologies either because of cost, resources or safety. Computer-generated graphics can be seen in many live action movies today, especially from the action genre. Furthermore, computer-generated imagery almost completely replaces hand-drawn animations in children's films that are increasingly being generated only by computers. Examples of movies that use computer-generated imagery include Finding Nemo , 300 and Iron Man .

Examples of non-movie entertainment simulations

Simulation game

Simulation games, as compared to video game genres and other computers, represent or simulate the environment accurately. In addition, they represent the interaction between playable characters and the environment realistically. This type of game is usually more complex in terms of playing games. Simulation games have become very popular among people of all ages. Popular simulation games include SimCity and Tiger Woods PGA Tour . There are also flight simulators and driving simulator games.

Park rides car

The simulator has been used for entertainment since Link Trainers in the 1930s. The first modern simulator to be opened in the amusement park was Disney's Star Tours in 1987 soon followed by Universal's The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera in 1990 which was the first full-fledged journey of computer graphics.

The rides simulator is a military training simulator progeny and a commercial simulator, but both differ fundamentally. While military training simulators react realistically to real-time feedback from trainees, simulators only feel that they are moving realistically and moving in accordance with previously recorded movement scripts. One of the first simulator rides, Star Tours, which costs $ 32 million, uses a hydraulic motion cabin. The movement is programmed by a joystick. Current simulator vehicles, such as The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man include elements to increase the number of immersion experienced by riders such as: 3D imagery, physical effects (spray water or aroma), and movement through the environment. Examples of simulation rides include Mission Space and The Simpsons Ride. There are many simulation rides in themeparks like Disney, Universal etc., Examples are Flint Stone, Earth Quake, Time Machine, King Kong.

Meshing In Flow Simulation - Webinar Preview from Cadtek Systems
src: www.cadtek.com

Simulation and manufacturing

Manufacturing is one of the most important simulation applications. This technique is a valuable tool used by engineers when evaluating the effect of capital investment in physical equipment and facilities such as factory factories, warehouses, and distribution centers. Simulations can be used to predict the performance of existing or planned systems and to compare alternative solutions to specific design problems.

Another important goal of Simulation in Manufacturing Systems is to measure system performance. General measures of system performance include the following:

  • Throughput is below average and peak load;
  • System cycle time (how long it takes to produce one part);
  • Utilization of resources, labor and machinery;
  • Congestion and choke point;
  • Queue at work location;
  • Queues and delays caused by device and material handling systems;
  • WIP storage requirements;
  • Personnel requirements;
  • The effectiveness of the scheduling system;
  • The effectiveness of the control system.

Tkay Maidza - Simulation (Official Audio) - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

More simulation examples


MiAn car simulator provides an opportunity to reproduce real vehicle characteristics in a virtual environment. It replicates external factors and the conditions by which the vehicle interacts allows the driver to feel as if they are sitting in their own vehicle taxi. Scenarios and events are replicated with enough reality to ensure that drivers become fully immersed in the experience rather than simply viewing it as an educational experience.

This simulator provides a constructive experience for novice drivers and allows more complex workouts to be performed by more mature drivers. For novice drivers, truck simulators provide an opportunity to start their careers by applying best practices. For adult drivers, the simulation provides the ability to improve good driving or to detect bad practices and suggest the steps needed for corrective action. For companies, this provides an opportunity to educate staff in driving skills that achieve reduced maintenance costs, increased productivity, and most importantly, to ensure the safety of their actions in all possible situations.


An open-source simulation platform for creating dynamic mechanical models built from a combination of rigid and deformable objects, connections, obstacles, and various power actuators. It is specialized to create biomechanical models of human anatomical structures, with the aim of studying their functions and ultimately assisting in the design and planning of medical care.

Biomechanics simulators are used to analyze current dynamics, study sports performance, simulate surgical procedures, analyze joint loads, design medical equipment, and revive human and animal movements.

A neuromechanical simulator that incorporates realistic biomechanical and biological neural network simulations. This allows users to test the hypothesis on the basis of neural behavior in a physically accurate 3-D virtual environment.

City and urban

A city simulator can be a game of city development but can also be a tool used by city planners to understand how cities tend to thrive in response to various policy decisions. AnyLogic is an example of a large-scale modern urban simulator designed for use by city planners. City simulators are generally agent-based simulations with explicit representation for land use and transportation. UrbanSim and LEAM are examples of large-scale urban simulation models used by metropolitan planning agencies and military bases for land use and transport planning.

Future class

"Future classrooms" may contain several types of simulators, in addition to textual and visual learning tools. This will allow students to enter more clinically prepared years, and with higher skill levels. Advanced or graduate students will have a shorter and more comprehensive retraining method - or incorporate new clinical procedures into their expertise - and regulatory agencies and medical institutions will find it easier to assess individual abilities and competencies.

Future classrooms will also form the basis of a clinical skills unit to continue medical education; and in the same way that the use of regular flight training helps aircraft pilots, this technology will help practitioners throughout their careers.

The simulator will be more than a textbook "live", will become an integral part of the practice of medicine. The simulator environment will also provide a standard platform for curriculum development in medical education institutions.

Communications satellites

Modern satellite communications systems (SatCom) are often large and complex with many interacting parts and elements. In addition, the need for broadband connectivity on moving vehicles has increased dramatically in recent years for commercial and military applications. To accurately predict and provide high quality services, the designer of the satcom system should consider the terrain and atmospheric and meteorological conditions in its planning. To deal with such complexity, system designers and operators are increasingly turning to computer models of their systems to simulate real-world operational conditions and gain insight into their usability and requirements prior to final product downtime. Modeling enhances system understanding by allowing system designers or system planners to simulate SatCom real-world performance by injecting models with some atmospheric conditions and hypothetical environments. Simulations are often used in training of civilian and military personnel. This usually happens when it is very expensive or too dangerous to allow trainees to use real equipment in the real world. In such situations, they will spend the time to learn valuable lessons in a "safe" virtual environment but live a living experience (or at least that is the goal). Often the convenience is to allow mistakes during training for a security-critical system.

Digital Life Cycle

Simulation solutions are increasingly integrated with CAx solutions and processes (CAD, CAM, CAE....). The use of simulations throughout the product lifecycle, especially in the initial concept and design phase, has the potential to provide substantial benefits. These benefits range from immediate cost issues such as prototype reductions and shorter time to market, to better performing products and higher margins. However, for some companies, simulations have not provided the expected benefits.

The Aberdeen Group research firm has found that almost all of the best manufacturers in its class used simulations early in the design process compared to 3 or 4 laggards that did not.

The successful use of simulations, early in the life cycle, was largely driven by increased integration of simulation tools with all CAD, CAM and PLM solutions. The simulation solution can now work across expanded companies in a multi-CAD environment, and includes solutions to manage simulation and process data and ensure that simulation results become part of the product life cycle history. The ability to use simulations throughout the lifecycle has been enhanced through improved user interfaces such as customized user interfaces and "wizards" that allow all the right PLM participants to take part in the simulation process.

Disaster Preparedness

Simulation training has become a method to prepare people for disasters. Simulations can replicate emergency situations and track how learners respond to life experiences. A disaster preparedness simulation may involve training on how to deal with terrorist attacks, natural disasters, pandemic outbreaks, or other life-threatening emergencies.

One organization that has used the simulation training for disaster preparedness is the CADE (Progress Center for Distance Education). CADE has used video games to prepare emergency workers for some types of attacks. As reported by News-Medical.Net, "This video game is the first in a series of simulations to address bioterrorism, flu pandemics, smallpox and other disasters that emergency personnel must prepare." Developed by a team from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the game allows students to practice their emergency skills in a safe and controlled environment.

The Emergency Simulation Program (ESP) at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is another example of an organization that uses simulations to train emergency situations. ESP uses simulations to train in the following situations: forest fire fighting, oil or chemical spill response, earthquake response, law enforcement, city fire fighting, dangerous material handling, military training, and response to terrorist attacks One feature of the simulation system is implementation of "Dynamic Run-Time Clock," which allows simulations to run the 'simulation' time frame, 'speed up' or 'slow down' the desired time. "In addition, the system enables session recording, icon-image-based navigation, individual simulation file storage, multimedia components, and launching external apps.

At the University of QuÃÆ' Ã… © bec at Chicoutimi, a team of researchers in research laboratories and outdoor expertise (Specialized in using remote-facing accident simulations to verify emergency response co-ordination).

Instructionally, the benefit of emergency training through simulation is that student performance can be traced through the system. This allows developers to make adjustments as needed or alert educators about topics that may require additional attention. Another advantage is that learners can be guided or trained on how to respond appropriately before proceeding to the next emergency segment - these are aspects that may not be available in the living environment. Some emergency training simulators also allow immediate feedback, while other simulations can provide summaries and instruct learners to engage in longer learning topics.

In emergency situations, emergency responders do not have time to dispose of. Simulation training in this environment provides an opportunity for participants to gather as much information as they can and practice their knowledge in a safe environment. They can make mistakes without risking life-threatening and are given the opportunity to correct their mistakes to prepare for real life emergencies.


In economics and especially macroeconomics, the effects of proposed policy actions, such as changes in fiscal policy or monetary policy changes, are simulated to assess their desires. The mathematical model of the economy, which has been adapted to historical economic data, is used as a proxy for the actual economy; the proposed values ​​of government spending, taxation, open market operations, etc. used as inputs for model simulation, and various attractive variables such as inflation rate, unemployment rate, trade deficit balance, government budget deficit, etc. is the output of the simulation. The simulated values ​​of these interest variables are compared for the various proposed policy inputs to determine the most desirable outcome sequences.


Due to the hazardous and expensive nature of training on heavy equipment, simulation has become a common solution in many industries. This type of simulation equipment includes cranes, mining holders and construction equipment, among many others. Often the simulation unit will include pre-made scenarios to teach trainees, as well as the ability to adapt new scenarios. Such equipment simulators are intended to create a safe and cost-effective alternative to direct equipment training.


Ergonomic simulations involve virtual product analysis or manual tasks in a virtual environment. In the engineering process, the purpose of ergonomics is to develop and improve product design and work environments. Ergonomic simulations take advantage of human anthropometric virtual representations, commonly referred to as mannequins or Digital Human Models (DHM), to mimic the posture, mechanical load, and performance of human operators in simulated environments such as aircraft, automobiles, or manufacturing facilities. DHM is recognized as an evolving and valuable tool for conducting proactive ergonomic analysis and design. Simulation using 3D graphics and physics-based models to turn virtual humans. The Ergonomics software uses inverse kinematics capabilities (IK) to pose on DHM. Some ergonomic simulation tools have been developed including Jack, SAFEWORK, RAMSIS, and SAMMIE.

Software tools usually calculate biomechanical properties including individual muscle strength, combined strength, and moment. Most of these tools use standard ergonomic evaluation methods such as NIOSH lifting equations and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). Some simulations also analyze physiological measurements including metabolism, energy expenditure, and fatigue limits. Time cycle studies, design and process validation, user convenience, reachability, and line of sight are other human factors that can be checked in ergonomic simulation packages.

Modeling and simulating a task can be done by manipulating virtual man manually in a simulated environment. Some ergonomic simulation software enables interactive, simulated and real-time evaluation through real human input through motion capture technology. However, the retrieval motion for ergonomics requires expensive equipment and the creation of props to represent the environment or products.

Some ergonomic simulation applications include solid waste collection analysis, disaster management tasks, interactive games, automotive assembly lines, virtual prototype rehabilitation tools, and aerospace product design. Ford engineers use ergonomic simulation software to conduct virtual product design reviews. Using engineering data, simulations help evaluate assembly ergonomics. The company uses Siemen's Jack and Jill ergonomics software to improve worker safety and efficiency, without the need to build expensive prototypes.


In the finance section, computer simulations are often used for scenario planning. Net risk-adjusted net value, for example, is calculated from well-defined but not always known (or fixed) inputs. By mimicking project performance under evaluation, simulations can provide NPV distributions over different levels of discounts and other variables. Simulations are also often used to test financial theory or financial modeling abilities.

Simulations are often used in financial training to involve participants in experiencing historical and fictional situations. There are stock market simulations, portfolio simulations, simulations or risk management models and forex simulations. Such simulations are usually based on a stochastic asset model. Using this simulation in a training program allows the application of theory to be something similar to real life. Like any industry, the use of simulations can be technology or case studies that are encouraged.


Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD) are used to train pilots in the field. Compared with actual on-board training, simulation-based training allows for maneuvering or situations that may be impractical (or even dangerous) to be performed on the plane, while keeping pilots and instructors in relatively low-risk environments on the ground. For example, electrical system failure, instrument failure, hydraulic system failure, and even flight control failures can be simulated without risk to pilots or aircraft.

Instructors can also provide students with a higher concentration of training tasks within a certain timeframe than usual on airplanes. For example, performing some instrument approach on an actual plane may take significant time to reposition the aircraft, while in simulation, as soon as one approach is completed, the instructor can immediately place the simulated plane to an ideal (or less than ideal). ) the location from which to start the next approach.

Flight simulation also provides an economic advantage over actual aircraft training. Once the cost of fuel, maintenance, and insurance is taken into account, FSTD operating costs are usually much lower than the cost of simulated aircraft operations. For some large transport category aircraft, operating costs may be several times lower for FSTD than actual aircraft.

Some people who use simulator software, especially flight simulator software, make their own simulator at home. Some people - to improve the realism of their simulators - buy used cards and shelves that run the same software used by the original machine. While this involves solving hardware and software problems that match - and the problems that hundreds of cards plunge into many different shelves - many still find that solving this problem is invaluable. Some are very serious about realistic simulations that they will buy real aircraft parts, such as the complete nose section of the removed plane, on the bananaards of the aircraft. This allows people to simulate a hobby that they can not pursue in real life.


Having similarities with flight simulators, marine simulators train ship personnel. The most common ocean simulators include:

  • Shipboard bridge simulator
  • Machine room simulator
  • Cargo handling simulator
  • Communication simulator/GMDSS
  • ROV simulator

Such simulators are widely used in maritime colleges, training institutions, and the navy. They often consist of ship bridge replication, with the operating console (s), and a number of screens where the virtual environment is projected.


Military simulation, also known informally as a war game, is a model in which theories of warfare can be tested and perfected without the need for real hostility. They exist in various forms, with varying degrees of realism. More recently, their scope has been expanded to include not only military but also political and social factors (eg, a series of strategic NationLab exercises in Latin America). While many governments use simulations, both individually and collaboratively, little is known about model specifications outside the professional circle.

Payment settlement system and securities

The simulation technique has also been applied to the payment system and the settlement of securities. Among the main users is the central bank which is generally responsible for monitoring the market infrastructure and is entitled to contribute to the smooth functioning of the payment system.

Central banks have used a payment system simulation to evaluate such things as adequacy or adequacy of available liquidity (in the form of account balances and intraday credit limits) to participants (especially banks) to enable efficient settlement of payments. Liquidity requirements also depend on the availability and type of net procedures in the system, so some studies have a focus on system comparison.

Another application is to evaluate risks associated with events such as damage to the communication network or the inability of participants to send payments (eg if there is a possibility of bank failure). This type of analysis is included in the concept of stress testing or scenario analysis.

The common way to do this simulation is to mimic the actual payment settlement logic or securities settlement system that is in the analysis and then use the observed observable payment data. In terms of system comparison or system development, naturally other logical solutions need to be implemented.

To perform stress testing and scenario analysis, the observed data needs to be changed, eg. some payments are pending or deleted. To analyze the level of liquidity, the level of initial liquidity varies. Comparison of systems (benchmarking) or evaluation of algorithms or new netting rules is done by running simulations with a fixed set of data and varying only the system settings.

Inference is usually done by comparing the benchmark simulation results with the simulated results modified by comparing indicators such as unresolved transactions or settlement delays.

Project management

Project management simulation is a simulation used for project management training and analysis. This is often used as a training simulation for project managers. In other cases it is used for the analysis of how-if and to support decision-making in real projects. Often simulations are done using the software.


The robotic simulator is used to create embedded applications for specific robots (or not) without relying on 'real' robots. In some cases, these applications can be transferred to real (or rebuilt) robots without modification. The robotic simulator allows the reproduction of situations that can not be 'made' in the real world because of the cost, time, or 'uniqueness' of a resource. The simulator also allows rapid prototype robots.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
