Oxygen XML Editor (style & lt; oXygen/& gt; ) is a multi-platform XML editor, XSLT/XQuery debugger and profiler with Unicode support. This is a Java app, so it can run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It also has a version that can be run as an Eclipse plugin.
Video Oxygen XML Editor
Siklus rilis
XML Oxygen has three types of releases, excluding beta or development versions. Big releases, like the 17 at the end of 2015, occur on average once per year. The minor release, 17.1 at the end of 2015, is made at least once a few months after a major release, sometimes twice a year. Incremental build releases are provided as needed, usually in response to bugs or security issues. Build numbering based on date and time (to hour) of build. Until the end of 2015, the full version and current version number is "oXygen XML Editor 17.1, build 2015121117" with a full release history available online.
Maps Oxygen XML Editor
XML editing features
XML Oxygen offers a number of features for editing XML documents. Documents can be checked for the right XML form. They can also be validated with a schema. For validation purposes, documents can be validated with DTD schemes, W3C XML Scheme, RELAX NG, Schematron, NRL and NVDL. The editor can also validate XML as entered. For an additional schema type, a validation scenario can be created, which allows oXygen to call an arbitrary program to validate.
Also, the program has support for XML catalogs. The XML catalog is an XML file of a certain format that maps the schema definition string to the actual filename on the disk or the web. Using a catalog allows the user to specify the web address for the schema, but allows oXygen to find the form of the file from the address if the catalog determines it.
XML oxygen comes with schema and DTD for popular and main XML and XSL formats including DocBook (versions 4.0 and 5.0), TEI format, XSLT (versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), DITA, XHTML and HTML 5. Expands into a new XML dialect or specialization is achieved by adding a relevant framework or implementation to the software or loading the document or schema type, thereby enabling a customized environment that itself is fully configurable by XML, which draws parallels with Emacs and its ability to edit itself when applying the Lisp dialect it runs sign in
The program is aware of XInclude, and all validation and transformation services can follow the XInclude statement to the included file.
XML Oxygen offers three views designed to edit XML documents. This view is text, grid, and author.
Text view
Text view is the default view for editing XML documents. As the name implies, this view shows XML text as text.
For documents related to XML schema, Oxygen XML offers the completion of the tag. XML oxygen can use any number of XML schema languages, including DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG (compact and complete). The W3C XML Scheme and RELAX NG schemas may include embedded Schematron rules. It can also use NRL and NVDL routing languages, which allows several different types of schemes to be applied to different files.
In addition to tag completion, annotations in the schema will be displayed as tooltip for the element given the annotation.
For schema formats that do not have a standard mechanism for binding schemas to XML files, XML Oxygen provides processing instructions that instruct the program for which scheme to use.
For documents that do not have a schema, Oxygen can analyze the structure of documents and generate schemas.
Grid view
Grid view displays XML documents in a mode like a spreadsheet. The left-most column shows elements, including comments and processing instructions, at the root level. The next column shows the attributes of the root element, and every first child is unique from the root XML element. If the root element has six children all named "sections", then the grid view will only show one part element and notation that there are six of them. This iteration continues for the next column.
This view is not often useful for HTML or other document-like formats, but can be useful for certain XML formats that resemble a spreadsheet.
With the exception of spaces, this view shows the entire structure of an XML file. All the textual information in the file will be presented in this view.
Author view
New to XML XML v9.x is a writer view that provides a WYSIWYM view of an XML document. This smaller version of Editor, called oXygenXML Author , is provided as a cheaper option in commercial options where full feature sets may not be required. The author is focused on editing common XML documents.
This view is based on providing CSS files for documents that specify the data type for each element in the document schema. The XML oxygen comes with a CSS document file for formats like DITA, DocBook, and TEI.
Tags and XML attributes in this view can be completely disabled or can be displayed in various combinations.
Editing in this view is an advanced step between the actual WYSIWYG and editing in plain text view in terms of complexity for authors. The XML elements are made more human readable and intuitive, but the laying and semantics of XML documents are still clear. The cursor can be placed between each element, and when the cursor position is ambiguous, a tool-tip window will appear showing the local view of the XML tree and the cursor position in it. The bar along the top of the display shows a list of elements from the document root to the element under the cursor.
The XML elements are never implicitly inserted into the document. However, a common action in editing an XML file is similar to a document is to create a new element with the same name following the current one. The writer's view will perform this operation if the user presses the enter key twice (pressing once displays possible element dialogs to add, if tag competition is available).
Inserting elements can be done via oXygen's XML refactoring command to include elements in the current cursor location. Even if the XML tag is set to invisible, an indication for an empty element is always displayed using the element's name.
Attributes on XML element can not be directly edited. However, XML Oxygen does have an attribute panel that when content completion information is available, it can be used to view and set attribute values ââon the current element.
Editing a custom XML format
Although XML Oxygen can edit any XML document, providing content completion for documents with binding schemes, it is able to recognize certain XML documents by default.
Oxygen XML provides schema editing features for both W3C XML Schema and RELAX NG's XML forms. It offers visual editing support for both, as well as the scheme-less syntax highlighting and content completion.
Oxygen XML offers support for XSLT documents, both version 1.0 (with EXSLT extensions) and 2.0. The XSLT element is recognized and drawn in a different color than a non-XSLT XML element. It also provides a special validation service for XSLT documents. For example, this can validate that the attribute containing the XPath string is a valid XPath. oXygen XML automatically assumes that documents with the extension.xsl and.xslt are XSLT files, and treat them accordingly.
It also offers support for editing XSL-FO documents, although it does not provide any visual editing features for it.
Edit non-XML files
Although XML Oxygen is primarily an XML editor, it comes with the ability to edit a number of non-XML textual formats. It has a syntax completion for DTD, a compact RELAX NG, XQuery, CSS and HTML format. It also provides basic syntax highlighting support for a number of common web scripting languages ââfor titles, such as Python, Perl, and JavaScript, among others.
Document transformation
XSLT-based document transforms are common operations on XML files, and Oxygen XML provides support for this operation. This allows the user to define a transformation scenario that specifies a particular XSLT file application to the current XML document. Each transformation scenario realizes all the XSLT file parameters that are designated and provides for graphical editing.
Additionally, the result of a transformation scenario can be routed through an XSL-FO processor, whether it is a built-in or an external FOP processor.
The final output file name, path, and extension can be specified for the transformation scenario, as well as the command line parameters.
Transform scenarios can be local to an XML Oxygen workspace-a particular or global project for all projects. XML oxygen comes with a number of standard global-transformation scenarios for common tasks, for example, from DocBook documents to PDF via XSL-FO and FOP, or into HTML. It also comes with the latest version of the DocBook XSL XSLT transformation suite. Oxygen XML comes with DITA Open Toolkit, which allows publishing (export) the entire DITA document structure into various output formats, including PDF, WebHelp, and EPUB.
XSLT debugger
Oxygen XML provides comprehensive debugging facilities for XSLT. It offers features that are comparable to source code debugger such as gdb, including breakpoints, the ability to view the current context and "memory", and single-jump through XSLT. It can debug both XSLT versions 1.0 and 2.0.
Choice of "Named User" or server-based floating license. The former prefers a small business or individual developer, who can install it anywhere as long as only certain named users are using it. The latter prefer a larger team that can benefit by sharing licenses across the global network during time zone shifts. Additional group licenses are only available for academic versions.
Academic licenses are available to academic staff, students and educational institutions, but licenses restrict the use of the software only for academic or research purposes and can not be used for commercial purposes.
Commercial licenses are available in the Professional and Corporate stream for the special edition of Author and full Editor edition. A user or floating license is available for each stream with the value gained for the last with a larger number of users. The main difference between the Company edition and the Professional edition is a back-end supported high-end database. Although the Professional edition still provides direct support for connections Berkely DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JDBC and generates XML schema from the relational database structure.
In addition there are Personal additions to independent developers or free lancers who pay for themselves not by their employers. The Personal edition is identical to the Professional edition with regard to features, the only difference is a much lower price, though higher than a single academic license, as well as providing a full Editor edition instead of just the Author component.
Optional support and maintenance subscriptions are available that include full upgrades, including for major releases during the maintenance period. With 17 major releases during 13 years of operation, annual maintenance offerings (on average about 20% of full license fees) are cost effective. The maintenance period can be effectively extended indefinitely by updating before the expiration date.
See also
- List of XML editors
- Comparison of XML editors
- Comparison of HTML editors
- Open XML Office software
External links
- Official website
- Download page of Oxygen XML Editor
- Documentation (PDF and webhelp links)
- Company Website
- XML Oxygen Editor description (German)
Source of the article : Wikipedia