Industrial gases are gaseous materials manufactured for use in the Industry. The major gases provided are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, hydrogen, helium and acetylene; although large amounts of gas and mixtures are available in gas cylinders. The industry that produces these gases is known as the industrial gas industry, which also includes the supply of equipment and technology to produce and use gas. Their production is part of a wider Chemical Industry (where industrial gases are often seen as "specialty chemicals").
Industrial gases are used in various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemicals, electricity, mining, steelmaking, metals, environmental protection, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food, water, fertilizers, nuclear power, electronics and aerospace Industrial gas is sold to other industrial companies; usually consisting of large orders for corporate industry clients, covering a variety of sizes ranging from building process facilities or pipelines to cylinder gas supplies.
Some trading-scale business is done, usually through locally-bound agents that are supplied on a wholesale basis. This business includes the sale or rental of gas cylinders and related equipment for traders and sometimes the general public. These include products such as helium balloons, gas expenditure for beer kegs, welding gases and welding equipment, LPG and medical oxygen.
Retail sales of small-scale gas supplies are not limited to industrial gas companies or their agents. A variety of small hand-held gas containers, which may be called cylinders, bottles, cartridges, capsules or tubes are available to supply LPG, butane, propane, carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide. Examples are whipped-cream chargers, powerlets, campingaz, and sodastream.
Video Industrial gas
Sejarah awal gas
The first gas from the natural environment used by humans is almost certain air when it is discovered that blowing or fanning a fire makes it burn more brightly. Humans also use warm gas from fire to suck food and steam from boiling water to cook food.
Carbon dioxide has been known since ancient times as a by-product of fermentation, especially for beverages, which was first documented since 7000-6600 BC. in Jiahu, China. Natural gas was used by Chinese around 500 BC. when they found the potential to transport gas seeping from the ground in a raw pipe from bamboo to where it was used to boil seawater. Sulfur dioxide is used by the Romans in wine making because it has been found that burning candles made from sulfur in empty vessels will keep them fresh and prevent them from getting the smell of vinegar.
Initial understanding consists of empirical evidence and alchemical protoscience; but with the advent of scientific methods and chemistry, these gases become positively identified and understood.
The history of chemistry tells us that a number of gases were identified and discovered or first made in relatively pristine form during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries by prominent chemists in their laboratories. The timeline of discovery attributed to various gases is carbon dioxide (1754), hydrogen (1766), nitrogen (1772), nitrous oxide (1772), oxygen (1773), ammonia (1774), chlorine (1774), methane (1776) (1886), argon (1894), krypton, neon and xenon (1898) and radon (1899), hydrogen sulfide ).
Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen oxide, oxygen, ammonia, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and manufactured fuel gases have been used during the 19th century, and are mainly used in food, refrigeration, medicine, and for fuel and gas lamps. For example, carbonated water is being made from 1772 and commercially from 1783, chlorine was first used to whiten textiles in 1785 and nitrous oxide was first used for anaethesia dentistry in 1844. At this time gas is often produced for immediate use by chemical reactions. An example of a famous generator is the Kipps tool that was discovered in 1844 and can be used to produce gases such as hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, acetylene and carbon dioxide by simple gas evolutionary reactions. Acetylene was commercially produced from 1893 and acetylene generators were used from about 1898 to produce gas for gas and gas illumination, but electricity took over as more practical for lighting and once LPG was commercially produced starting in 1912, the use of acetylene for cooking decreased.
Once gas is discovered and produced in moderation, the industrialization process spurs innovation and technological inventions to produce larger quantities of gases. Significant developments in the production of the gas industry include electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen (in 1869) and oxygen (from 1888), the Brin process for oxygen production discovered in 1884, chlorineal processes to produce chlorine in 1892 and the Haber Process produced ammonia in the year 1908.
The development of use in cooling also allows advances in air conditioning and liquefaction of gases. Carbon dioxide was first liquefied in 1823. The first vapor compression refrigeration cycle using ether was invented by Jacob Perkins in 1834 and a similar cycle using ammonia was discovered in 1873 and the other with sulfur dioxide in 1876. Liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen were both first created in 1883; Liquid hydrogen was first made in 1898 and liquid helium in 1908. LPG was first made in 1910. The patent for LNG was filed in 1914 with the first commercial production in 1917.
Although nothing that marked the beginning of the industrial gas industry, many would have regarded it as the 1880s with the construction of the first high pressure gas tubes. Initially cylinders are mostly used for carbon dioxide in carbonation or beverage expenditure. In 1895 the cooling compression cycle was further developed to allow for the liquefaction of the air, especially by Carl von Linde which enabled the production of oxygen in greater quantities and in 1896 the discovery that large amounts of acetylene were dissolved in acetone and allowed no gas to allow safe bottling of acetylene.
A very important use is the development of welding and cutting of metals carried out with oxygen and acetylene from the early 1900s. As production processes for other gases are developed, more gas is sold in cylinders without the need for a gas generator.
Maps Industrial gas
Gas production technology
The air separation plant improves the air in the separation process so as to enable the mass production of nitrogen and argon in addition to oxygen - they are often also produced as cryogenic liquids. To achieve the required low distillation temperature, the Air Separation Unit (ASU) uses a cooling cycle that operates using the Joule-Thomson effect. In addition to the main air gases, air separation is also the only practical source for the production of rare gasses of rare fluorescent, krypton and xenon.
Cryogenic technology also allows liquefaction of natural gas, hydrogen, and helium. In natural gas processing, cryogenic technology is used to remove nitrogen from natural gas in the Nitrogen Rejection Unit; a process that can also be used to produce helium from natural gas - if natural gas fields contain enough helium to make this economy. Larger industrial gas companies have often invested in extensive patent libraries in all areas of their business, but particularly in cryogenics.
The other major production technology in the industry is the Reformation. Steam reforming is a chemical process used to convert natural gas and steam into syngas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide with carbon dioxide as a by-product. Partial oxidation and autothermal reform are similar processes but these also require oxygen from ASU. Synthesis gas is often a precursor to chemical synthesis of ammonia or methanol. The carbon dioxide produced is an acid gas and is most often discharged by amine treatment. This separate carbon dioxide is potentially sequestered into a carbon-capture reservoir.
The air separation and hydrogen reform technology is the cornerstone of the industrial gas industry and is also part of the technology required for many gasification fuels (including IGCC), cogeneration and Fischer-Tropsch gases to the liquid scheme. Hydrogen has many production methods and is touted as an alternative carbon neutral fuel for hydrocarbons, while liquid hydrogen is used by NASA in the Space Shuttle as a rocket fuel; see the hydrogen economy for more information on hydrogen use.
Simpler gas separation technologies, such as membranes or molecular sieves used in pressure swing adsorption or swing swing adsorption, are also used to produce low-purity air gases in nitrogen generators and oxygen generators. Another example that produces a smaller amount of gas is a chemical oxygen generator or oxygen concentrator.
In addition to the major gases generated by air separation and syngas reform, the industry provides many other gases. Some gases are merely by-products of other industries and others are sometimes purchased from other major chemical manufacturers, refined and repackaged; although some have their own production processes. An example is hydrogen chloride produced by burning hydrogen in chlorine, nitrous oxide produced by thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate when heated gently, electrolysis for fluorine production and the discharge of corona electricity to produce ozone from air or oxygen.
Related services and technology may be provided such as vacuum, which is often provided in the hospital's gas system; compressed air purified; or cooling. Another unusual system is an inert gas generator. Some industrial gas companies may also supply related chemicals, particularly liquids such as bromine and ethylene oxide.
Gas distribution
Gas supply mode
Most of the gaseous material at ambient temperature and pressure is supplied as a compressed gas. The gas compressor is used to compress the gas into a storage pressure vessel (such as a gas cylinder, gas cylinder or tube trailer) through a piping system. The gas tube is by far the most common gas storage and large quantities are generated in a "cylinder filling" facility.
However, not all industrial gases are supplied in the gas phase. Some gases are vapors that can be melted at room temperature under pressure alone, so they can also be supplied as liquids in the right container. This phase change also makes these gases useful as the most significant ambient and industrial gas refrigerants with these properties being ammonia (R717), propane (R290), butane (R600), and sulfur dioxide (R764). Chlorine also has this trait but is too toxic, corrosive and reactive that was once used as a refrigerant. Some other gases indicate this phase change if the ambient temperature is low; These include ethylene (R1150), carbon dioxide (R744), ethane (R170), nitrous oxide (R744A), and sulfur hexafluoride; However, this can only be melted under pressure if stored below their critical temperature of 9Ã, Â ° C for C 2 H 4 Ã,; 31 Â ° C for CO 2 Ã,; 32 Â ° C for C 2 H 6 Ã,; 36 Â ° C for N 2 OÃ,; 45 Â ° C for SF 6 .
All of these substances are also provided as Gas (not steam) at a pressure of 200 bar in a gas cylinder because the pressure is above their critical pressure. Other gases can only be supplied as liquid if also cooled. All gases can be potentially used as coolants at temperatures in which they are liquid; eg nitrogen (R728) and methane (R50) are used as refrigerants at cryogenic temperatures.
Extraordinary carbon dioxide can be produced as a cold solid known as dry ice, which sublimes when heated under ambient conditions, the properties of carbon dioxide such that it can not become liquid under pressure below the 5.1 bar triple point.
Acetylene is also provided differently. Because it is so unstable and explosive, it is given as a gas dissolved in acetone in a mass packing in a cylinder. Acetylene is also the only other common industrial gas that sublimes at atmospheric pressure.
Gas delivery
Major industrial gases can be mass-produced and delivered to customers via pipes, but can also be packaged and transported.
Most of the gas is sold in gas cylinders and partially sold in liquid form at the appropriate container (eg Dewar) or as bulk liquids sent by truck. Industries initially supply gas in cylinders to avoid local gas generation needs; but for large customers such as steel mills or oil refineries, large gas production plants can be built nearby (usually called "on-site" facilities) to avoid using large numbers of cylinders together. Alternatively, an industrial gas company can supply plants and equipment to produce gas rather than gas itself. Industrial gas companies may also offer to act as factory operators under an operating and maintenance contract for gas facilities for customers, as they usually have experience running the facility for the production or handling of gas for themselves.
Some hazardous materials to use as gases; for example, highly reactive fluorine and industrial chemicals that require fluorine often use hydrogen fluoride (or hydrofluoric acid) instead. Another approach to overcoming gas reactivity is to produce gas when needed, which is done, for example, with ozone.
Therefore, delivery options are local gas generation, pipelines, bulk transportation (trucks, trains, ships), and gas packaged in gas cylinders or other containers.
Bulk liquid gas is often transferred to the end user's storage tank. Gas tubes (and ships containing liquefied gas) are often used by end users for their own small-scale distribution systems. Toxic or flammable gas cylinders are often stored by end users in gas cabinets for protection from external fire or from any leakage.
What defines industrial gas
Industrial gas is a group of materials specifically manufactured for use in industry and also gases at ambient temperature and pressure. They are chemicals that can be elements of gases or organic or inorganic chemical compounds, and tend to molecules of low molecular weight. They can also be an individual gas mixture. They have value as a chemical; whether as a raw material, in process improvement, as a useful end product, or for a particular use; compared to having the value as a "simple" fuel.
The term "industrial gas" is sometimes defined narrowly only as the main gas sold, namely: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, hydrogen, acetylene and helium. Many names are given to gases outside this central list by industrial gas companies, but generally the gases fall into the category of "special gas", "medical gas", "gas fuel" or "cooling gas". But the gas can also be known by the use or the industry they serve, the "weld gas" or "gas breathing", etc.; or based on its source, as in "air gas"; or by way of their supply as in "gas packages". The major gases may also be called "bulk gas" or "tonnage gas".
In principle any mixture of gas or gas sold by the "industrial gas industry" may have some industrial use and may be referred to as "industrial gas". In practice, "industrial gas" tends to be a pure compound or mixture of appropriate chemical compositions, packed or in small quantities, but with high purity or tailored to specific uses (eg oxyacetylene). The list of more significant gases is listed in "The Gases" below.
There are cases when the gas is not usually called "industrial gas"; especially where the gas is processed for future energy use rather than being manufactured for use as a chemical or preparation.
The oil and gas industry is different. So while it is true that natural gas is the "gas" used in "industry" - often as fuel, sometimes as a raw material, and in the general sense it is "industrial gas"; the term is generally not used by industrial companies for hydrocarbons produced by the petroleum industry directly from natural resources or in oil refineries. Materials such as LPG and LNG are complex mixtures often without proper chemical composition that often also change when stored.
The petrochemical industry is also viewed differently. So petrochemicals (chemicals derived from petroleum) such as ethylene are also generally not described as "industrial gas".
Sometimes the chemical industry is considered different from industrial gas; so materials such as ammonia and chlorine can be considered "chemicals" (especially if supplied as liquids), not or sometimes "industrial gases".
Small-scale gas supplies from hand-held containers are sometimes not considered industrial gas because their use is considered private rather than industrial; and suppliers are not always gas specialists.
This demarcation is based on the perceived limitations of these industries (although in practice there is some overlap), and definite scientific definitions are difficult. To illustrate the "overlap" between industries:
Gas fuel produced (such as city gas) has historically been considered an industrial gas. Syngas is often regarded as petrochemical; although its production is a core industrial gas technology. Similarly, projects that utilize Landfill gas or biogas, Waste-to-energy schemes, and Hydrogen Productions all exhibit overlapping technologies.
Helium is industrial gas, although its source comes from natural gas processing.
Any gas is likely to be considered as industrial gas if put into a gas cylinder (except perhaps if used as fuel)
Propane will be regarded as industrial gas when used as a refrigerant, but not when used as a refrigerant in LNG production, although this is a technology that overlaps.
Gas elemental
Known chemical elements which, or can be obtained from natural and gaseous resources are hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, and noble gases; and collectively referred to by chemists as "gas elements". These elements are all primordially separated from the noble gas radon which is a naturally occurring radioisotope trace because all the isotopes are radiogenic nuclides from radioactive decay. (It is not known whether any synthetic element with atomic number above 108 is a gas.)
The stable elements of two atoms of homonuclear molecules at standard temperature and pressure (STP) are hydrogen (H 2 ), nitrogen (N 2 ) and oxygen (O 2 ), plus halogen fluorine (F 2 ) and chlorine (Cl 2 ). The noble gases are all monatomic.
In the industrial gas industry the term "elemental gas" (or sometimes less accurate "molecular gas") is used to distinguish these gases from molecules that are also chemical compounds. These elements are all non-metals.
Radon is chemically stable, but is radioactive and lacks stable isotopes. The most stable isotope, 222 Rn, has a half-life of 3.8 days. Its use is due to its radioactivity rather than chemistry and requires special handling beyond the norms of the industrial gas industry. However it can be produced as a by-product of uraniferous ore processing. Radon is a trace of natural radioactive material (NORM) encountered in air processed in ASU.
Chlorine is the only gas element that is technically a vapor because STP falls below its critical temperature; while bromine and liquid mercury to STP, and their steam is in equilibrium with their fluids at STP.
Other general industrial gases
This list shows the other most common gases sold by industrial gas companies.
Essential gas liquids
This list shows the most important liquid gas:
- Manufactured from the air
- liquid nitrogen (LIN)
- liquid oxygen (LOX)
- liquid argon (LAR)
- Produced from various sources
- liquid carbon dioxide
- Manufactured from hydrocarbon raw materials
- liquid hydrogen
- liquid helium
- Mixture of gas produced from hydrocarbon feedstock
- Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Industrial gas applications
The use of industrial gas varies greatly.
The following is a small list of usage areas:
- AGA AB (part of The Linde Group)
- Airgas (part of Air Liquide)
- Air Liquide
- Air Products & amp; Chemicals
- BOC (part of The Linde Group)
- The Linde Group (formerly Linde AG)
- Messer Group
- MOX-Linde Gases
- Praxair
- Matheson Tri-Gas (part of Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation)
- SIAD S.p.A. (66% owned by the Sestini family and 34% owned by Praxair)
- Rivoira (60% owned by Praxair and 40% owned by the Sestini family)
See also
Source of the article : Wikipedia