Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

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Electrons, life and the evolution of Earth's oxygen cycle ...
src: rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org

Oxygenic photosynthesis is a process used by plants, algae, and cyanobacteria to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates using energy from light and releasing molecular oxygen as a product. The chemical pathway of photosynthesis fixes carbon in two stages: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions.

The light-dependent reactions capture light energy to generate the energy-storage molecules NADPH and ATP, following the overall general equation:

2 H2O + 2 NADP+ + 3 ADP + 3 Pi + light -> 2 NADPH + 2 H+ + 3 ATP + O2

The light-independent reactions undergo the Calvin-Benson cycle, in which the energy from NADPH and ATP is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds via the enzyme RuBisCO. The overall general equation for the light-independent reactions is the following:

3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 6 H+ -> C3H6O3-phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 Pi + 6 NADP+ + 3 H2O

The 3-carbon products of the Calvin cycle are later converted to glucose or other carbohydrates such as starch, sucrose, and cellulose.

Carbon on Earth naturally occurs in two stable isotopes, with 98.9% in the form of 12C and 1.1% in 13C. The ratio between these isotopes varies in biological organisms due to metabolic processes that transform, or "fractionate" carbon through kinetic or thermodynamic effects. Oxygenic photosynthesis takes place in plants and microorganisms through different chemical pathways, which causes varying forms of organic material to reflect different ratios of 13C isotopes. Understanding these variations in carbon fractionation across species is applied in isotope geochemistry and ecological isotope studies, to understand biochemical processes, establish food chains, or reconstruct past climates with geological samples.

Carbon isotope fractionations are expressed in the measure ?13C ("delta thirteen C"), which is reported in parts per thousand (per mil, ?). ?13C is defined in relation to the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) as an established reference standard, as below:

? 13 C = ( ( 13 C 12 C ) s a m p l e ( 13 C 12 C ) s t a n d a r d - 1 ) × 1000 {\displaystyle \delta ^{13}C=\left({\frac {\left({\frac {^{13}C}{^{12}C}}\right)_{sample}}{\left({\frac {^{13}C}{^{12}C}}\right)_{standard}}}-1\right)\times 1000}

Phototrophic organisms uptake inorganic CO2 from the atmosphere or water and then use photosynthesis to fix organic carbon in the form of carbohydrates. Organic carbon contains less 13C (ie, is depleted) relative to inorganic carbon because photosynthetic carbon fixation involves several fractionating processes. The following sections will outline different photosynthetic pathways and their associated delta values.

Video Fractionation of carbon isotopes in oxygenic photosynthesis


A large fractionation of 13C in photosynthesis is due to the carboxylation reaction, which is carried out by the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase, or Rubisco. Rubisco catalyzes a five-carbon molecule, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (abbreviated as RuBP) with CO2 to form two molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid (abbreviated as PGA). PGA reacts with NADPH to produce 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde. Isotope fractionation due to carboxylation alone is predicted to be a 28? depletion. Rubisco causes a kinetic isotope effect because 12C and 13C compete for the same active site and 13C has an intrinsically lower reaction rate.

Maps Fractionation of carbon isotopes in oxygenic photosynthesis

Modeling Fractionation

In addition to the discriminating effects of enzymatic reactions, the diffusion of CO2 gas to a plant cell carboxylation site also influences isotopic fractionation. Depending on the type of plant (see sections below), external CO2 must be transported through the boundary layer and stomata and into the internal gas space of a plant cell, where it dissolves and diffuses to the chloroplast. The diffusitivity of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular reduced mass, causing 13CO2 to be 4.4% less diffusive than 12CO2.

A prevailing model for fractionation combines the isotope effects of the carboxylation reaction with the isotope effects from gas diffusion in the following equation:

? 13 C O 2   s a m p l e = ? 13 C O 2   a t m - a - ( b - a ) ( c i / c a ) {\displaystyle \delta ^{13}CO_{2\ sample}=\delta ^{13}CO_{2\ atm}-a-(b-a)(c_{i}/c_{a})}


  • the atmospheric ?13CO2 atm = -7.8?
  • the discrimination due to diffusion a = 4.4%
  • the carboxylation discrimination b = 30?
  • ca is the partial pressure of CO2 in the external atmosphere, and
  • ci is the partial pressure of CO2 in the intercellular spaces.

The Rise of Atmospheric O2: New Insights From Mass-Independently ...
src: slideplayer.com

In C3 plants

A C3 plant uses C3 carbon fixation, one of the three metabolic photosynthesis pathways. This pathway is the first step of the Calvin-Benson cycle, which converts CO2 and RuBP into 3-phosphoglycerate. C3 plants are the most common type of plant, and typically thrive under moderate sunlight intensity and temperatures, CO2 concentrations above 200 ppm, and abundant groundwater. C3 plants do not grow well in very hot or arid regions, for which C4 and CAM plants are better adapted.

The isotope fractionation in C3 carbon fixation arise from the combined effects of diffusion of CO2 gas through the stomata of the plant, and the carboxylation via Rubisco. Stomatal conductance discriminates against the heavier 13C by 4.4?. RuBisCO carboxylation has a larger discrimination of 27?.

The enzyme catalyzes the carboxylation of of CO2 and the 5-carbon sugar, RuBP, into 3-phosphoglycerate, a 3-carbon compound. through the following reaction:

CO2 + H2O + RuBP ->Rubisco 2(3-phosphoglycerate)

The product 3-phosphoglycerate is depleted in 13C due to the kinetic isotope effect of the above reaction. The overall 13C fractionation for C3 photosynthesis ranges between -20 to -37?.

The wide range variation of delta values expressed in C3 plants is modulated by the stomatal conductance, or the rate of CO2 entering, or water vapor exiting, the small pores in the epidermis of a leaf. The ?13C of C3 plants depends on the relationship between stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate, which is a good proxy of water use efficiency in the leaf. C3 plants with high water-use efficiency tend to be less fractionated in 13C (ie, ?13C is relatively less negative) compared to C3 plants with low water-use efficiency.

Biological regulation of atmospheric chemistry en route to ...
src: www.pnas.org

In C4 plants

C4 plants rely on C4 carbon fixation and are more prevalent in hot, sunny, and dry climates. These plants differ from C3 plants because the Calvin Cycle in C4 plants produces a four-carbon molecule called malate, rather than 3-phosphoglycerate. This difference allows C4 photosynthesis to efficiently shuttle CO2 to the Rubisco enzyme and maintain high concentrations of CO2 within bundle sheath cells. These cells are part of the characteristic kranz leaf anatomy, which spatially separates photosynthetic cell-types in a concentric arrangement to accumulate CO2 near Rubisco. These chemical and anatomical mechanisms improve the ability of Rubisco to fix carbon, rather than perform its wasteful oxygenase activity. The Rubisco oxygenase activity, called photorespiration, causes the RuBP substrate to be lost to oxidation, and consumes energy to do so. The adaptation of C4 plants provides an advantage over the C3 pathway, which loses efficiency due to photorespiration. The ratio of photorespiration to photosynthesis in a plant varies with environmental conditions, as decreased CO2 and elevated O2 concentrations would increase the efficiency of photorespiration. Atmospheric CO2 on Earth decreased abruptly at a point between 32-25 million years ago. This gave a selective advantage to the evolution of the C4 pathway, which can limit photorespiration rate despite the reduced ambient CO2. Today, C4 plants represent roughly 5% of plant biomass on Earth, but about 23% of terrestrial carbon fixation. Types of plants which use C4 photosynthesis include grasses and economically important crops, such as maize, sugar cane, millet, and sorghum.

Isotopic fractionation is different in C4 carbon fixation compared to C3 plants due to the spatial separation of CO2 capture in the mesophyll cells and the Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath cells. In C4 plants, carbon converted to bicarbonate, fixed into oxaloacetate via the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, which is then converted to malate, a four-carbon (C-4) compound. The malate is transported from the mesophyll to bundle sheath cells, which are impermeable to CO2. The internal CO2 is concentrated in these cells as malate is reoxidized then decarboxylated back into CO2 and pyruvate. This enables Rubisco to perform catalysis while internal CO2 is sufficiently high to avoid the competing photorespiration reaction. The delta value in the C4 pathway is -12 to -16? depleted in 13C due to the combined effects of PEP carboxylase and Rubisco.

The isotopic discrimination in the C4 pathway varies relative to the C3 pathway due the additional chemical conversion to steps and activity of PEP carboxylase. After diffusion into the stomata, the conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate concentrates the heavier 13C. The subsequent fixation via PEP carboxylase is thereby less depleted in 13C than that from Rubsico: about 2? in PEP carboxylase versus 29? in Rubisco. However, a portion of the isotopically-heavy carbon which was fixed by PEP carboxylase leaks out of the bundle sheath cells. This limits the carbon available to Rubisco, which in turn lowers its fractionation effect. The overall delta value in C4 plants is -12 to -16 ?.

Axel Hofmann's scientific contributions while affiliated with ...
src: www.researchgate.net

In CAM plants

Plants that use crassulacean acid metabolism, also known as CAM photosynthesis, temporally separate their chemical reactions between day and night. This strategy is well-adapted to increase water-use efficiency in arid climates because it modulates stomatal conductance. During the night, CAM plants open stomata to allow CO2 to enter and become fixed to organic acids stored in vacuoles. This carbon is released to the Calvin cycle during the day, when stomata are closed to prevent water loss, and the light reactions provide necessary ATP and NADPH. This pathway differs from C4 photosynthesis because, in CAM plants, fixed carbon is stored in the vesicle at night for later use during the day. Thus, CAM plants temporally concentrates CO2 to improve Rubsico efficiency, whereas C4 plants spatially concentrate CO2 in bundle sheath cells. The distribution of plants which use CAM photosynthesis includes epiphytes (e.g., orchids, bromeliads) and succulents xerophytes (e.g., cacti).

In Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), isotopic fractionation combines the effects of C3 and C4 pathways between daytime and nighttime. At night, when temperature and water loss are lower, the CO2 diffuses through the stomata and produce malate via phosphenolpyruvate carboxylase. During the following day, stomata are closed, malate is decarboxylated, and CO2 is fixed by Rubisco. This process alone is similar to that of C4 plants and yields characteristic C4 fractionation values of approximately -11?. However, in the afternoon, CAM plants may open their stomata and perform C3 photosynthesis. In daytime alone, CAM plants have approximation -28? fractionation, characteristic of C4 plants. These combined effects provide ?13C values for CAM plants in the range of -10 to -20?.

The 13C to 12C ratio can indicate the temporal separation of CO2 fixation, which is the extent of biomass derived from nocturnal CO2 fixation relative to diurnal CO2 fixation. This distinction can be made because PEP carboxylase, the enzyme responsible for net CO2 uptake at night, discriminates 13C less than Rubisco, which is responsible to daytime CO2 uptake. CAM plants which fix CO2 primarily at night would be predicted to show ?13C values similar to C4 plants, whereas daytime CO2 fixation would show ?13C values more similar to C3 plants.

Rapid oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere 2.33 billion years ago ...
src: advances.sciencemag.org

In phytoplankton

In contrast to terrestrial plants, where CO2 diffusion in air is relatively fast and not normally limiting, diffusion of dissolved CO2 in water is considerably slower and can often limit carbon fixation by phytoplankton. As gaseous CO2(g) is dissolved into aquatic CO2(aq), it is fractionated by both kinetic and equilibrium effects that are temperature-dependent. Relative to plants, the dissolved CO2 source for phytoplankton can be enriched in 13C by about 8? from atmospheric CO2.

Isotope fractionation of 13C by phytoplankton photosynthesis is affected by the diffusion of extracellular aqueous CO2 into the cell, the Rubisco-dependent cell growth rate, and the cell geometry and surface area. In phytoplankton, the use of bicarbonate and carbon concentrating mechanisms distinguish the isotopic fractionation from plant photosynthetic pathways.

The difference between intracellular and extracellular CO2 concentrations reflects the CO2 demand of the cell, which is determined by its growth rate. The ratio of carbon demand to supply governs the diffusion of CO2 into the cell, and is negatively correlated with the carbon fractionation by phytoplankton. This allows the ?13C values between CO2(aq) and phytoplankton biomass to be used to estimate the phytoplankton growth rates.

However, growth rate alone does not account for observed fractionation. The flux of CO2(aq) into and out of a cell is roughly proportional to the cell surface area, and the cell carbon biomass varies as a function of cell volume. Phytoplankton geometry that maximizes surface area to volume should have larger isotopic fractionation due to photosynthesis.

The biochemical characteristics of phytoplankton are similar to C3 plants, while their gas exchange characteristics can more closely resemble the C4 strategy. More specifically, phytoplankton improve the efficiency of their primary carbon-fixing enzyme, Rubisco, with carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM), just as C4 plants accumulate CO2 in the bundle sheath cells. The CCM activity may include the active uptake of bicarbonate and CO2 through the cell membrane, active transport of inorganic carbon from the cell membrane to the chloroplasts, and active conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate. Combined, the parameters affecting 13C fractionation in phytoplankton contribute to ?13C values between -18 to -25?.

Axel Hofmann's scientific contributions while affiliated with ...
src: www.researchgate.net

See also

  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Paleoclimatology
  • Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere

Stefan Lalonde's scientific contributions while affiliated with ...
src: www.researchgate.net


Source of the article : Wikipedia
